

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,麦当劳(McDonald's)中国改名“金拱门(Golden Arches)”的消息刷爆朋友圈,不少小伙伴纷纷对金拱门这个名字展开了吐槽,金拱门叔叔、金乐鸡、金薯条、金派等“衍生品”层出不穷。网友们的脑洞根本停不下来,不少知名名牌也因此躺着中枪。



McDonald's puzzles Chinese customers with name change

by Daniel Shane and Serentie Wang



A name change for McDonald's in China has left some diners with a funny taste in their mouths.

The U.S. fast-food giant has changed its official business name in the country, ditching* the previous one -- Maidanglao, a Chinese rendering* of its English name -- in favor of Jingongmen, which roughly translates as "Golden Arches."

*ditch:to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted 抛弃,遗弃,丢弃

The getaway car had been ditched a couple of miles away from the scene of the robbery.


*rendering:a translation of a book or piece of writing into a different language or a different style 翻译;把…译成

a new rendering of the Bible into modern English


On the face of it*, that fits with the McDonald's logo. But the switch isn't sitting well with* some Chinese people who aired their views on social media.

*on the face of it:used when you are describing how a situation seems on the surface 从表面看;乍看起来

On the face of it, it seems like a bargain, but I bet there are hidden costs. 从表面上看这好像是便宜,但我肯定其中有些隐藏的费用

*sit right/well (with sb):to be something that you agree or are pleased with (某人)可接受;受(某人)欢迎

Their decision/answer didn't sit well with the Board of Directors.


The new name "sounds like a furniture store. Are you sure the food is edible?" asked LEON0221 on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter.

Another Weibo user, Magellandechuan, said the name made McDonald's sound like one of China's stuffy* state-owned companies and was "not fitting for a foreign brand." Others complained it was "rustic*" or backward.

*stuffy:old-fashioned, formal, and boring 古板的,保守的,一本正经的

Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.


*rustic:simple and often rough in appearance; typical of the countryside 粗制的;乡村的,乡村特色的;质朴的

a rustic bench/cabin


Not everyone was unhappy, though. One user suggested objectors needed a lesson in McDonald's history, recommending they watch "The Founder," the Hollywood biopic about McDonald's Ray Kroc, to understand the significance of Golden Arches.

In any case, McDonald's' fans in China shouldn't ditch their Big Macs (巨无霸) and Chicken McNuggets (麦乐鸡) just yet. A company spokeswoman in Shanghai told CNNMoney that the name change only applies to the chain's business registration and that restaurants' branding will stay the same.

The tweak* to the business name comes after McDonald's U.S. parent firm earlier this year sold most of its business in China and Hong Kong to a Chinese consortium* for more than $2 billion.

*tweak:to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more correct, effective, or suitable 稍稍改进

*consortium:an organization of several businesses or banks joining together as a group for a shared purpose (数家公司或银行联合组成的)联营企业;财团;银团

a consortium of textile manufacturers


It's common for big Western brands to pick a Chinese name in a bid to broaden their appeal with consumers in the country. Coca-Cola is known as Ke kou ke le, which translates as "tasty and fun." Search engine Google goes by Gu ge, or "harvesting song."

Selecting a Chinese name can also be a pitfall for companies. Online rentals platform Airbnb's choice, Aibiying, means "welcome each other with love." That sounds pleasant enough, but some Chinese people complain it sounds odd and is hard to pronounce.

McDonald's has been in China since 1990 and has about 2,500 outlets in the country. It plans to open another 2,000 over the next five years.






